How to Put the Social Media Fast into Practice!

  • Buy an alarm clock. Charge your phone in another room. Most of us are accustomed to scrolling through our phones before going to bed
  • Delete apps off your phone. This does not mean you have deleted your account. You won’t have the icon to click.
  • Check out the Brick App. “Life is better when phones help us do more of what matters, instead of constantly distracting us with things that don't.” Link HERE
  • Start a Journal - What is god telling you during this fast?
  • Turn off notifications

What’s the point?

The benefit of fasting from something good — whether it is food, Netflix, YouTube, or social media — is two-fold. First, it can reveal any disordered attachments we may have to things (those things that we hold onto a bit too tightly) and teaches us to practice self-control in abstaining from them. Second, it teaches us that God alone is enough for our every need, by quite literally practicing that reality. When I fast from food for a day, I realize how difficult it is to pass up those brown sugar cinnamon Pop-tarts at the church or that individual Reese’s peanut butter cup in my pantry. Normally, I would have shoved it in my mouth without a second thought. However, because I made a commitment to fast, the difficulty of passing on those snacks reveals how attached I am to them. Passing on these snacks says “while those snacks are good, they are not necessary to satisfy me — He alone is.”

Let’s get one thing straight, I am not here to bash social media. Social media is not a bad thing in and of itself. Social media has its place but it’s easy to develop a disordered attachment to it. We are called to love God above all other things. Anytime we believe that we need something as much or more than we need God, we have a disordered attachment to it. You may not be ‘addicted’ to social media, but it would still be something good to fast on in order to put your relationship with God first. It is a good thing to stay in touch with friends and share your life with people, but temporarily disengaging from these digital connections will help you to live out a stronger reliance on God. When you fast and feel the need to check your Snapchat, Instagram, X (twitter), or Facebook let that serve as a reminder that you truly need God alone and take that moment to rely on Him.

Fasting is tough, especially when we’re fasting from something that is as integrated into our lives as social media is. We have the tendency to check our phones whenever there is a lull in our day. It’s like an itch that we scratch, without thinking. If you are going to do a social media fast you will be made much more aware of your habit of constantly checking Instagram, Snapchat or Tik Tok. So… if you’re ready to go through with a social media fast here are some helpful tips to get you started:


What should I expect?
The practice of fasting (of any kind) is in stark contrast to most of the way we live on a day to day basis in our lives, especially as it relates to Social Media. Due to the addictive nature of Social Media, we want you to be aware of what you may experience during this time.

In terms of withdrawal effects, you may experience nervousness, restlessness, or irritability during the first several days. You may have heightened emotional sensitivity and realize deep feelings of anger, grief, or sadness, even if you’re initially unsure of the cause.
 Often, our engagement with Social Media disguises unpleasant feelings and leads us to avoid coping with them.
But the benefits you can expect far outweigh the initial drawbacks. As with any fast, the further you progress, the more distinctly you may be aware of the leading of the Holy Spirit and a realization of the nearness of God and His work in your heart and life.
This experience is an invitation to explore a better way. Rather than asking, “Can I detox/fast for 2 months?” Instead ask, “What do I want to learn or experience in the next 2 months?”
What are things i can do instead of scrolling on social media?
  • Listen to worship music. Here is a playlist of some of our favorite songs. Link HERE
  • Start a Bible Reading Plan. Here are a few on the Bible App. Link HERE
  • Pray for our Nation, Community, and Church. Here are a few guides. NationCommunity, Church
  • Start a Journal. When you feel the need to scroll, stop and journal. Ask God "What are you trying to show me right now".​​​
(Article) I Did a Month-Long Social Media Fast, but I Didn’t Expect This.
Check out this article from Mandy Meehan.